Shown above is our squad 2nd Lieutenant Adam Miksis (in the driver seat), squad President Ed Winsor and Councilman Anthony Carter (standing, shaking hands in congratulations for the new ambulance being back and officially in service!)
New ambulance 578 was welcomed back by Councilman Anthony Carter and Squad President Ed Winsor and 2nd Lieutenant Adam Miksis. Our new ambulance has officially been in service for one week now!
- 2017 Ford/ Braun Signature Series
Chelsea Senior Living’s annual golf outing raised more than $20,000 for volunteer rescue squads across New Jersey. The Fanwood Rescue Squad is among the squads receiving $1,500. Pictured are Councilman Tom Kranz, Director of Communications for Chelsea, Annette Watson, Executive Director of The Chelsea at Fanwood, and Brian Downing, Rescue Squad EMT. The golf outing took place on Sept. 24, 2018, at Fiddler’s Elbow Golf Club in Bedminster, NJ. The Chelsea at Fanwood is the single most frequent user of FRS’ services.

Thanks to FRS members Joan Lozowski, Shreya Kachroo and Scotch Plains EMT Dave Lugara for providing standby coverage at the 2nd annual Fan Jam rock concert and food truck festival at LaGrande Park on Sunday, July 8. Ambulance 578 had many young visitors, gave out a couple of band aids and transported one injured person to the hospital. Thanks, Joanie, Shreya and Dave.