Congratulations to all our new officers that were sworn in on Tuesday January 1st at Borough Hall during the Borough of Fanwood’s Annual Reorganization Meeting!
Congratulations to all our officers!
Line Officers:
- Captain: Patricia Buckridee
- 1st Lieutenant: Elizabeth Buckridee
- 2nd Lieutenant: Adam Miksis
- Sergeant: Shreya Kachroo
- Training: Christina O’Connor
Desk Officers:
- President: Edward Winsor
- Vice President: Dave Zawodniak
- Recording Secretary: Jamie Pedinoff
- Treasurer: Nam-June Joe
- Corresponding Secretary: Lisa Walker
- Chaplain: Zoe Buckridee
- Historian: Shreya Kachroo
- Jeff Downing – Newly elected term through 2019
- Robert Villegas – Continuing term through 2020
- Eric Breidenstein – Newly elected term through 2021
- Nancy D’Ambrosio – Continuing term through 2019
- Christina O’Connor – Continuing term through 2020
- Adam Miksis – Newly elected term through 2021
Alternate Delegates:
- Shreya Kachroo – Newly elected term through 2019
- Patricia Buckridee – Continuing term through 2020
- Karolyn Buckridee – Newly elected term through 2021

From our family to yours, we wish everyone a safe and healthy holiday season!!
Happy Hanukkah, Merry Christmas, and to all the holidays and festivities being celebrated this time of year, we wish you all a very happy holiday!

From top to bottom and left to right: Mayor Mahr, FRS EMT and Fire Company Vice President Jim Drewes, Captain Patty Buckridee, President Ed Winsor, Joan Lozowski, Recording Secretary Jamie Pedinoff and Sergeant Shreya Kachroo
On Thursday, December 6th, the Fanwood Rescue Squad attended the Holiday Celebration for Fanwood Volunteers at the Fanwood Grille hosted by Mayor Colleen Mahr, and the Fanwood Council! It was a wonderful evening getting to take time out of the holiday season to celebrate with all volunteers of Fanwood!
Thank you to all our loyal and veteran members who attended and to the crews who attended with both our beautiful ambulances!
A happy holiday season to all!
- Joan Lozowski, FRS EMT and Fire Company Jim Drewes, Corresponding Secretary Lisa Walker, President Ed Winsor and Recording Secretary Jamie Pedinoff
- 2nd Lieutenant Adam Miksis, Nick Tripodi, Mayor Colleen Mahr, and Raul Cruz
- Sergeant Shreya Kachroo, FRS EMT and Fire Company Vice President Jim Drewes, President Ed Winsor, and Councilman Anthony Carter and his son
- From top to bottom and left to right: Mayor Colleen Mahr, FRS EMT and Fire Company Vice President Jim Drewes, Captain Patty Buckridee, President Ed Winsor, Joan Lozowski, Recording Secretary Jamie Pedinoff and Sergeant Shreya Kachroo