The Fanwood Rescue Squad expresses its heartfelt condolences to the family of Matthew Tarentino, the Summit, NJ, police officer killed in a car accident while on his way to work the morning of May 30th. The squad supports our brothers and sisters of the Summit Volunteer First Aid Squad and the officers of the Summit Police Department during this difficult time.
The rain forced a cancellation of this year’s parade but FRS members stood for our annual group photo in front of FRS HQ. Thanks to those who turned out for the annual ceremony at the Fanwood Memorial Library, which did proceed in light drizzle. Squad members also paused for the annual Fire Department memorial service for fallen members.
Fanwood Council honored Bob Kruthers for his 60 years of service to the Fanwood Rescue Squad during the May 22nd regular council meeting coinciding with EMS Week. Bob was a recipient of the Borough’s Volunteer of the Month award in 2009 and earned a Lifetime Achievement Award at the Statewide EMS Conference in 2014.
Bob’s 60 years with FRS have been an inspiration to many of us. His humility and humanity remind us every day why we do what we do. Pictured with Bob are Councilman and Squad member Tom Kranz and Mayor Mahr, who presented Bob with a crystal plate inscribed with the Borough Seal. Congratulations Bob, and thank you!