The Rescue Squad was among Fanwood volunteers celebrated at an annual holiday dinner held this year at the new Fanwood Grille on Martine Avenue. Mayor Colleen Mahr and the Borough Council hosted the dinner to thank the town’s many volunteers, who populate our commissions and boards in addition to the Rescue Squad and Fire Department. The Mayor and Council are also volunteers. Rescue Squad members in attendance were incoming president Ed Winsor and members Jamie Pedinoff, Shreya Kachroo, Lisa Walker, Dante Clausen, Nick Tripodi, Rob Villegas and Ralph Palazzi.
The Rescue Squad joined the Fanwood Fire Department at the scene of a house fire at 27 Winchester Drive, Scotch Plains, early on Friday, October 20th. The fire apparently started in or near the garage and spread quickly up through the second floor. All the occupants got out safely. One Scotch Plains firefighter received a minor burn. Squad members Tom Kranz, Joan Lozowski, Melissa Padulsky, Ed Winsor and Nick Tripodi manned both a Fanwood and Scotch Plains ambulance for rehab of the firefighters and to transport the injured firefighter.
FRS President Jeff Downing accepted a symbolic check for $1,500 from Chelsea Senior Living Director of Communications Tom Kranz, also a squad member, following the annual Chelsea Golf Outing. The event raised more than $20,000 for volunteer responders across New Jersey. The Chelsea at Fanwood is the single most-visited residence by the Rescue Squad in Fanwood.