Chelsea Go Red 2019!

On Wednesday, February 13, Fanwood Rescue was on standby and provided free blood pressure screenings at the Go Red event at the Chelsea in Fanwood.

Our standby crews! From left to right, Standing: Nick Tripodi and Brian Felber, Sitting: Lisa Walker, Joan Lozowski, Captain Patricia Buckridee, and Chaplain Zoe Buckridee.

Thanks to our standby crews Lisa Walker, Nick Tripodi, Joan Lozowski, Captain Patricia Buckridee, Brian Felber and Chaplain Zoe Buckridee.

The FRS Crews on standby showing their support for fellow squad member Melissa and awareness of women’s heart health!
Shown above from left to right: Sergeant Shreya Kachroo, Dante Clausen, Raul Cruz, 2nd Lieutenant Adam Miksis, and Nick Tripodi

The Fanwood Rescue was on standby and provided free blood pressure screenings at the Go Red for Women’s Heart Health Fair at the JCC in Scotch Plains. FRS squad member Melissa Padulsky and her company, Little Hearts Big World CPR Instruction, was a co-sponsor of the event hosted with the American Heart Association. This event featured some wonderful events like a mini cardio class, massages, healthy food and snacks, speakers on women’s cardiac health and blood pressure checks with the rescue squad!

Thanks to our standby crews 2nd Lieutenant Adam Miksis, Dante Clausen, Nick Tripodi, Raul Cruz, and Sergeant Shreya Kachroo.

Scotch Plains and Fanwood Rescue Squads going red for women’s heart health!

On January 19 we had our annual rescue squad and fire department dinner at Ferraro’s Restaurant in Westfield, NJ.

The following members were award recipients for their service!!

5 Year Service Pin

  • Michael Hopkins

10 Year Service Award

  • Ian Lewis

15 Year Service Silver Bowl

  • Edward Winsor (from 2013)

20 Year Service Award

  • Thomas Kranz
  • Edward Winsor
  • Eric Breidenstein (from 2016)

30 Year Service Award

  • Jeffrey Downing

45 Year Service Award

  • Nancy D’Ambrosio

New EMT Pins

  • Madison Lawton
  • Rafael Eulalio
  • Lily Hsiao

CPR Saves Pin

  • Lisa Walker, 1
  • Nick Tripodi, 2
  • Edward Winsor, 3
  • Nancy Mustachio – Extra kudos to Nancy for using the skills we all have outside of the squad and doing CPR on someone in the subway!!

Number of Calls Plaque

  • Dave Zawodniak, 1000

Celebrating an amazing past year and for the future year full of positivity and a successful year!