Come support our amazing town in Battle of The Union County “Woods”!

Fanwood Rescue would like everyone to come out and support our amazing town in the Battle of the Union County “Woods” Foodstock competition!! All the food will be going to all the people in need and help rid hunger at a local level!

Donate food at Borough Hall (75 N Martine Ave, Fanwood) or at the Fanwood Memorial Library (5 Forest Rd, Fanwood)!

All food donations must be non-perishable. Suggested items include:

  • Canned fruit (preferably items in light syrup or natural juice)
  • Canned soups, vegetables, and beans
  • Tuna fish
  • Cereals 
  • Coffee and tea 
  • Pasta (all types), rice, and macaroni & cheese
  • Peanut butter and jelly
  • Stuffing, cranberry sauce, and other Thanksgiving items
  • Small individual portions of apple sauce, pudding, snacks and juices

For more information, check out the Fanwood Borough website and!!

Fanwood Rescue was at the annual Fanny Wood Day street fair on Sunday, September 15th! Thanks our crew for the day: Joan Lozowski, Sergeant Shreya Kachroo, President Ed Winsor, Nam June Joe and Jamie Pedinoff!

Yesterday evening Fanwood Rescue went to support to our friends at the Berkeley Heights Volunteer Rescue Squad in Berkeley Heights for their annual Mt Carmel Festival and Fireworks Show! Thanks to our standby crew and the crew we had in town covering our town and keeping Fanwood safe!

Our standby crew: Christian Roman (not pictured), Rafael Eulalio and Sergeant Shreya Kachroo!