All members are required to take our online Epi Pen training course so we can carry these life-saving items on our ambulances. The course, which is free, is located here:
Once you’re on the site, register as a new user if you haven’t been there before and find the EPI PEN course. Enroll using the discount code FRS to take the course for free. Once complete, you can print a competition certificate. The course is worth 1.5 elective CEUs for EMTs.
We will not be able to certify to carry Epi-Pens on our rigs unless a majority of our members take this training. PLEASE DO IT.
Four-year old Aliyah returned home in time for Thanksgiving after being hospitalized for a mysterious condition that took a while for doctors to diagnose. The Rescue Squad and PD were on hand to welcome her home. The story made the Channel 7 News.
We thank the Lightbridge Academy Foundation for their generous donation of $250, and a matching donation to the Fanwood Fire Department. Captain Ian Lewis accepted the symbolic check, flanked by Borough Council members Trisha Walsh, Anthony Carter and Kathy Mitchell. Lightbridge Academy owners Bhavna and Vishal Ajwani are in the foreground.