The Fanwood Rescue Squad took possession of its new ambulance on Friday, February 23, 2018. The color scheme is a departure from the brown and tan combination that was the standard since 1977, though those elements still exist. The ambulance, which will replace a 17 year old model, is a 2017 Braun Signature Series on…
Wesley Lewis, 12, son of Squad Sergeant Ian Lewis, was recognized as Fanwood’s Volunteer of the Month by the Mayor and Council for his work in support of the annual Go Red for Women’s Heart Health campaign. Wes, who is being Bar Mitzvah’d in September, did his mitzvah project of spreading the word about heart…
The Scotch Plains-Fanwood Police Athletic League presented the Fanwood Rescue Squad with a donation of $1,000 for the squad’s support of PAL football games last year. Pictured, left to right, Fanwood Police Chief Richard Trigo who is on the PAL board; Councilwoman Kathy Mitchell; PAL President Shawn Johnson; PAL Board Member and football coordinator Bruce…