Fanwood Rescue laying the wreath in honor of those who served and have fallen Fanwood Rescue and Fanwood Fire at the Memorial Service Fanwood Rescue’s laying of the wreath Fanwood Rescue at the Memorial Service Fanwood Rescue at the Memorial Service Fanwood Rescue at the Memorial Service
Fanwood Rescue joined many others at the Memorial Day Service and the Memorial Day Parade on Monday, May 27, 2019. It was beautiful weather outside for the annual parade honoring those who gave their lives in the name of our freedom. Fanwood Rescue members and their family members turned out for the parade.
This year was very special as we had Ethan and Abigail Breidenstein holding up the rescue squad banner during the parade! Ethan and Abigail are children of Eric Breidenstein, who is a member as well as his mother Recording Secretary Jamie Pedinoff. A tradition was passed down as Jamie’s kids Eric and his sister Allison used to hold the banner during the parades and was passed down to Eric’s children this year!
Family tradition of holding the banner being passed down Banner holders this year!
We appreciate everyone and all our members who came out today in support of Memorial Day and helped us all honor those who have fallen and paid the ultimate sacrifice for all of us and our freedom.
Thank you to the members that came for the Memorial Service and Parade, President Ed Winsor, Recording Secretary Jamie Pedinoff, Corresponding Secretary Lisa Walker, Captain Patricia Buckridee, Sergeant Shreya Kachroo, Training Officer Christina O’Connor, Eric Breidenstein, Jim Drewes, Lily Hsaio, Tyler Zeile, and Rafael Eulalio!