2018 Officers Sworn In

1 Jan, 2018 | Tom Kranz |

2018 Officers Sworn In

Congratulations to the Rescue Squad’s 2018 officers upon their swearing-in on Monday, January 1st, during the Fanwood Borough’s annual reorganization meeting. In addition to the traditional swearing-in, squad Captain Patty Buckridee used the opportunity to promote EMT Shreya Kachroo to full active membership from probation. Congratulations to Shreya and to all our officers, to wit:

Line Officers:

  • Patty Buckridee, Captain
  • Rob Villegas, 1st Lieutenant
  • Brian Downing, 2nd Lieutenant
  • Ian Lewis, Sargeant
  • Christian Roman, Training

Desk Officers:

  • Ed Winsor, President
  • Dave Zawodniak, Vice President
  • Steve Siegal, Treasurer
  • Jamie Pedinoff, Recording Secreatary
  • Christine O’Connor, Correspondent Secretary
  • Chaplain: Patty Buckridee
  • Historian: Tom Kranz


  • Robert Kruthers (continuing tem thru 2018)
  • Tom Kranz (continuing term thru 2019)
  • Rob Villegas (newly elected term thru 2020)


  • Joan Lozowski (continuing term thru 2018)
  • Nancy Mustachio (continued term thru 2019)
  • Christian Roman (newly elected term thru 2020)

Alternate Delegates:

  • Ian Lewis (continuing term thru 2018)
  • Adam Miksis (continuing term thru 2019)
  • Christina O’Connor (newly elected term thru 2020)