As it does every year, the Rescue Squad provided standby EMTs and both ambulances at Fanwood’s annual Party in the Park, the rite of summer that ushers in the Tuesday evening movies in LaGrande Park with fun for the kids, music, food and rides.
Thanks to the great showing of EMTs and first responders who turned out this year: Walter Scott, Patty Buckridee, Zoe Buckridee, Karolyn Buckridee, Tom Kranz, Shreya Kachroo, Ed Winsor, Lisa Walker and Jamie Pedinoff.
We’re so proud of our new graduates, each an outstanding young person who has chosen to volunteer for their community. Dante, Adrian, Adam, Nick, Toby and Christian are the future of the Fanwood Rescue Squad. Congratulations on your graduation from SPFHS, guys, and we’ll see you down the road.
The Fanwood Rescue Squad expresses its heartfelt condolences to the family of Matthew Tarentino, the Summit, NJ, police officer killed in a car accident while on his way to work the morning of May 30th. The squad supports our brothers and sisters of the Summit Volunteer First Aid Squad and the officers of the Summit Police Department during this difficult time.