Chelsea Senior Living’s annual golf outing raised more than $20,000 for volunteer rescue squads across New Jersey. The Fanwood Rescue Squad is among the squads receiving $1,500. Pictured are Councilman Tom Kranz, Director of Communications for Chelsea, Annette Watson, Executive Director of The Chelsea at Fanwood, and Brian Downing, Rescue Squad EMT. The golf outing took…
The Rescue Squad’s new ambulance made its public debut on Memorial Day, May 28, 2018, in the annual parade honoring those who gave their lives in the name of our freedom. Squad members and family members turned out for the event with Wes and Elana Lewis walking the banner.
The crew at the Rockin’ for Autism Fair, a daylong awareness and fundraiser for Autism New Jersey run by the Banks family of Fanwood. Among the crew at this year’s event were Shreya Kachroo, Jeff Downing, Nick Tripodi, Ed Winsor and Councilman and squad member Tom Kranz.