Santa Parade 2016
This year’s Santa Parade was a little delayed due to weather, but it happened and the kids loved it. More than 350 stops were made and every gift was delivered. Thanks to the FFD for making it happen, along with the Rescue Squad and PBA Local 123.
Fanny Wood Day 2016
New recruits joined veteran members at our Fanny Wood Day tent.
Chelsea Donates $1,500 to Squad
The annual Chelsea Golf Outing raised a total of $25,000 for volunteer first responders in the 13 NJ communities where Chelsea has residences. The Fanwood Rescue Squad received $1,500 following the golf outing and awards ceremony. Pictured are Chelsea Executive Director Jennifer Ricci, Fanwood EMT Joan Lozowski, EMT and Chelsea Director of Communicatons Tom Kranz and Chelsea Director of Community Relations Danielle Bayne.
Squad Joins Disaster Drill at Port

FRS Cadets Shine at Competition

Fanwood Rescue Squad’s cadets won 2nd place in the Bayshore EMS Competition held in Keyport, NJ, on June 11th. Pictured are Capt. Patty Buckridee, cadets Christian Roman and Shreya Kachroo and EMT Karolyn Buckridee. Congrats, everyone!
Joan Lozowski, EMT of the Year
Joan Lozowski was named by the Fanwood Rescue Squad our EMT of the Year at the annual Overlook Medical Center EMS Awards Dinner on May 24th. Joan was presented with her award by FRS Captain Patty Buckridee. Joan is about to reach her 30 year anniversary as a Scotch Plains Police dispatcher ad employee. She’s been a volunteer for the Scotch Plains Rescue Squad most of those years and joined FRS several years ago. We appreciate all Joan’s done for both our towns!
EMT Karolyn Buckridee Honored
The Knights of Columbus recognized EMT Karolyn Buckridee for her service to our community at the Knights’ annual Shield Awards on April 13th. Seen here with squad president Steve Siegal and Grand Knight Seth McQuillan, Karolyn was recognized for answering hundreds of calls for both the Fanwood and Scotch Plains Rescue Squad. Congrats, Karolyn!

First Lt. Nancy Mustachio takes a visitor’s blood pressure at the annual Go Red for Women’s Heart Health fair at The Chelsea.
2016 Officers Sworn In

The leadership of the Fanwood Rescue Squad take their oaths of the office from Mayor Colleen Mahr at a borough council meeting in Fanwood, NJ, Friday, Jan. 1, 2016. They are, from left, President Steve Siegal, Jamie Pedinoff, Jeff Downing and Bob Kruthers. (Photo by Brian Horton)