Helping our Neighbors: It’s what we do
The Fanwood Rescue Squad is a non-profit, all-volunteer organization. It was formed in 1948 by several members of the Fanwood Fire Company who felt that the Borough needed its own Rescue Squad. Prior to that time, the service was provided by neighboring communities, particularly Scotch Plains. Charter membership at that time was 30. During this time the squad was housed in the Fire Hall (detailed squad history here).
The present Rescue Squad building, located at 123 Watson Road, was constructed in 1977 with the help of the volunteer members. It provides two vehicle bays, bathrooms, office, storerooms, a meeting/training room and a small kitchen. Following the lengthy power outages caused by a tornado in 1999, a backup generator was installed.
Currently, the Rescue Squad owns two ambulances: a 2009 Ford/Braun Chief and a 2017 Ford/ Braun Signature Series and a full complement of necessary emergency equipment.
2025 Officers
President: Karolyn Buckridee
Vice President: Juliana Lance
Treasurer: Nam-June Joe
Recording Secretary: Patricia Buckridee
Corresponding Secretary: Eric Breidenstein
Captain: Brian Downing
1st Lieutenant: Nancy Mustachio
2nd Lieutenant: Kayla Rajcevic
Sergeant: Rachel Manette
Training Officer: Adam Kern
Chaplain: Patricia Buckridee
Historian: Thomas Kranz
Trustees: Joan Lozowski, Karolyn Buckridee, Nam-June Joe
Delegates: Rachel Manette, Kayla Rajcevic, Nita Yusuf
Alternate Delegates: Riley Yau, Adam Kern, Patricia Buckridee