The following officers have been elected to serve in 2024:
President: Karolyn Buckridee
Vice President: Ed Winsor
Treasurer: Nam-June Joe
Recording Secretary: Patricia Buckridee
Corresponding Secretary: Eric Breidenstein
Captain: Brian Downing
1st Lieutenant: Juliana Lance
2nd Lieutenant: Ian Lewis
Sergeant: Kayla Rajcevic
Training Officer: Melissa Padulsky
Chaplain: Patricia Buckridee
Historian: Thomas Kranz
Trustees: Continuing Jamie Pedinoff (’24), Nam-June Joe (’25), and Newly Elected Karolyn Buckridee (’26).
Delegates: Continuing Nancy Mustachio (’24), Nita Yusuf (’25), and Newly Elected Kayla Rajcevic Newly Elected (’26).
Alternate Delegates: Continuing Spencer Doran (’24), Patty Buckridee (’25), and Newly Elected Adam Kern (’26).