Mayor Colleen Mahr swore-in several FRS officers during the annual Reorganization Meeting held by the Mayor and Council on Monday, January 3rd. Captain Ian Lewis and President Jamie Pedinoff were among several Rescue Squad officers who joined the ZOOM call on which the meeting was held. Here’s the entire roster of officers for 2022:
President: Jamie Pedinoff
Treasurer: Nam-June Joe
Recording Secretary: Patty Buckridee
Corresponding Secretary: Eric Breidenstein
Captain: Ian Lewis
1st Lieutenant: Brian Downing
2nd Lieutenant: Ed Winsor
Sergeant: Juliana Lance
Training Officer: Melissa Padulsky
Chaplain: Patricia Buckridee
Historian: Tom Kranz
Trustees: James Stewart (’22), Ed Winsor (’23), Jeffrey Downing (’24)
Delegates: Patty Buckridee (’22), Karolyn Buckridee (’23), Joanie Lozowski (’24)
Alternate Delegates: Juliana Lance (’22), Ed Winsor (’23), Nita Yusuf (’24)