As elected on Tuesday, November 3rd, 2020, here is the slate of officers for 2021:
President: Jamie Pedinoff
Vice President: Joan Lozowski
Treasurer: Nam-June Joe
Recording Secretary: Patty Buckridee
Corresponding Secretary: Ken Gorman
Captain: Ian Lewis
1st Lieutenant: Nancy J. Mustachio
2nd Lieutenant: Brian Downing
Sergeant: Ed Winsor
Training Officer: Melissa Padulsky
Chaplain: Jim Drewes
Historian: Tom Kranz
Trustees: Ed Winsor for 2021 election to serve the 2023 term-end seat and supplement continuing
terms of Eric Breidenstein (2021 term-end) and Jim Stewart (2022 term-end)
Delegates: Karolyn Buckridee for 2021 election to serve the 2023 term-end seat and supplement
continuing term of Joan Lozowski (2021 term-end) and Patty Buckridee (2022 term-end)
Alternate Delegates: Zoe Buckridee for 2021 election to serve the 2023 term-end seat, Nancy
Mustachio for 2021 election to serve the 2021 term-end seat, and Rafael Eulalio for 2021 election to serve the 2022 term-end seat.
Congratulations all and thanks for your service.